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Project Showcase

Here is a gallery of game projects that I have worked on.

A four-level platformer where you stab food with a giant fork to assuage your hunger. Design, Programming, and Art assets all done by me. Built & compiled in Gamemaker Studio 1.4.

Winning entry to the one-week "Fork" themed game jam hosted by Dark Rabbit Studios.


My work on this game project was granted Experiential Learning accreditation for an independent research study in lieu of completing an internship program for my degree. 

This stealth-action puzzle game was developed in Unity with a 5 person team over 20 weeks as our Senior Capstone project. I was lead designer on the project, developing the narrative concepts, mechanics, and level design while working closely with programmers & 3D artists to bring the game to life.

It was one of the many games featured during DePaul University's annual Games Showcase on June 14, 2019 where it was played by local industry professionals (including individuals from NetherRealm & JackBox Games), students, instructors, and the local community.

Game website here.

I was the programmer for a two player math game, developed by a small team for a Game Production course. I developed a system to randomly generate math equations for players to solve at various difficulty levels, as well as save highscores to the local file system.


The game is still showcased regularly at a Chicago local Mathnasium Learning Center for young children to play.

This tower defense game was built with Gamemaker Studio 2 as a part of a 10 week school group project/game jam. I was Lead Programmer with a great deal of design input, and contributed some of the art assets. I also put together the trailer, here.

Royalty-free music by JuurianChi.

This game was built from a rudimentary mouse-click engine within Gamemaker Studio 1.4 as part of a school project. I created, designed, and programmed all assets other than the royalty-free music by JuurianChi.

Another school project. It is a turn-based strategy game. I built and programmed it in Gamemaker Studio 1.4 as well as co-developed the design. Art assets contributed by fellow students who were grouped with me on the project. I also arranged research and surveys for playtesting as a part of this project.

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